Amazing wonderful shafts of light !!!
in Grand Canyon, Blue Mountains,
NSW, Australia
2024 December 14
Time we were down in the canyon, in the creek:
2:30pm to 4:30pm
I had been to the bottom of Grand Canyon at night,
to see the glow-worms inside the canyon.
That was a fantastic trip.
This one, in daylight, is just as amazing !
It is also the first time
I'm inside the canyon in daylight.
And get to witness the magical light show.
But note:
You need abseiling gears to do our trip.
Also, there are sections that require a swim.
Hence you should wear a wetsuit
as water is cooold ... bbrrrr !!!
(There is a foot track through the canyon.
But it is above the canyon floor.
No abseil, no swim ... meant for normal hikers.
The downside:
You won't see the fantastic light show
from the foot track 😭)
Our group
7 of us:
Lyndal Tegel - leader + all rope work
Amy Chi
Helen Heng
John Graham
Paul Ma
Tracey Coates
Vijay Kini
Abseil down into Grand Canyon
First thing is to abseil down into the canyon.
1) Lyndal abseiling down.
- Watched by John
Photo by Amy Chi
2) Abseiling down into Grand Canyon.
- Amy
Photo by John Graham
Shafts of light near abseiling area
3) Group photo of the 7 of us:
- John, Lyndal, Amy, Vijay, Helen, Tracey, Paul
- Shafts of light behind us ... not waterfalls
Photo by John Graham
4) Vijay in the limelight.
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
The rest are all shafts of light.
Photo by John Graham
5) Amy's turn in the limelight.
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
The rest are all shafts of light.
Photo by John Graham
6) Amy again.
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
The rest are all shafts of light.
Photo by John Graham
7) Left to right: Helen, Tracey, Vijay
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
The rest are all shafts of light.
8) The lights are sheer magic !
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
9) Left to right: Tracey, Helen
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
The rest are all shafts of light.
Shafts of light at another part of the canyon
10) Lyndal under the lights.
11) Beam us up, Scotty 😀
- Vijay, Tracey, Helen, Lyndal
Photo by John Graham
12) Beam us up, Scotty 😀
- Vijay, Amy, Helen, Paul, Lyndal, Tracey
Photo by John Graham
Another shafts of light
13) Shafts of light at another part of the canyon.
Photo by John Graham
14) Same scene as previous pic.
- Lyndal, John, Tracey
15) Same scene as previous pic.
- Lyndal, John, Tracey
16) Same scene as previous pic.
- Tracey, Helen, Vijay, Paul
Photo by John Graham
Yet another shafts of light
17) At another part of the Canyon.
- 2 in the front: Amy, Paul
- Lady in black at the back: Not our group
Photo by John Graham
18) Same scene as previous pic.
- 2 in the front: Vijay, Tracey
- Lady in white at the back: Not our group
19) Same scene as previous pic.
- Vijay watching ...
- Helen, Tracey ... at the back
20) Same scene as previous pic.
Fantastic shafts of light !
Photo by John Graham
21) Same scene as previous pic.
- Tracey
- Lady in black up on the rock: Not our group
Photo by ???
Walk/swim downstream a bit more,
then another shafts of light
22) We are meeting more bushwalkers now.
They didn't abseil into the canyon;
walked/swam in from where we'll exit the canyon.
- 3 with helmets: Tracey, Helen, Vijay
- Others (without helmet): Not our group
23) Same scene as previous pic.
- Helen, Tracey, Vijay
Photo by John Graham
24) Same scene as previous pic.
- Amy
Photo by John Graham
25) Same scene as previous pic.
- Vijay in the limelight
- Paul, Tracey ... photographing Vijay
Photo by John Graham
26) Same scene as previous pic.
- Tracey, Lyndal
Photo by ???
27) Same scene as previous pic.
- Tracey, Lyndal
Photo by ???
More shafts of light
28) These shafts of light never ends 😀
29) Amy ... the star !
- Behind her is Lyndal.
Photo by John Graham
There are swimming sections inside the canyon.
You should wear a wetsuit.
There are cases where hikers without wetsuits
suffered hypothermia.
They had to be rescued by helicopters.
30) One of the swimming sections.
- Clockwise from bottom:
Helen, Vijay, Tracey, Lyndal, Amy
Photo by John Graham
31) Another swimming section.
- Lyndal ... standing
- Amy... swimming
Photo by John Graham
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