Thursday, April 28, 2022

After birth, how long does it take for the eyes to open ?

After birth, how long does it take for the eyes to open :
- Cows     : Immediately
- Goats    : After 2 hours
- Cats      : After 6 days
- Dogs     : After 10 days
- Humans: After Marriage !
:-)     :-)     :-)     :-)     :-)

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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Skimpy panty

By the time I realized that it was a shopping bag,
I already missed the bus !

Here is another woman wearing a skimpy panty  :-)

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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Sister is older

Sometimes I feel old.
But then I realize my sister is older.
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Friday, April 8, 2022

Mathematical equations for breasts

Simple curve

A simple mathematical equation
for a buxom lady's breasts:

y = (1 - (|x|-1)^2)^0.5
   which is equivalent to
y = Sqrt(2*|x| - x^2)

A plot of the real part of the breasts,
ignoring the imaginary part  :-)

Not good enough for you ?
Try the next one !

More realistic curve

y = Sqrt(1 - (|x|-1)^2) + Sqrt(0.01 - (x+1)^2) + Sqrt(0.01 - (x-1)^2)
   which is equivalent to
y = Sqrt(2*|x| - x^2) + Sqrt(0.01 - (x+1)^2) + Sqrt(0.01 - (x-1)^2)

A plot of the real part of the breasts,
again ignoring the imaginary part  :-)

More complicated equation

This one was taken from somewhere
on the internet few years ago.
Unfortunately, now I couldn't find the source
nor the author anymore  :-(

y =   sqrt(1 - (x+3/2)^2 / (1+(x+3/2)^10)^(1/5))
     + sqrt(1 - (10x+15)^2 / (1+(10x+15)^10)^(1/5)) / 10
     + sqrt(1 - (x-3/2)^2 / (1+(x-3/2)^10)^(1/5))
     + sqrt(1 - (10x-15)^2 / (1+(10x-15)^10)^(1/5)) / 10

3D surface

A 3D surface for breasts:

z = 4*x*y - x^4 - y^4


Other mathematical equations for:
Heart, Bum, Penis, Boomerang

They are covered in my blogs:

Please visit my main page at

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Teach a man how to fish

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.
Teach him how to fish and he can avoid the wife for a whole weekend !

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