Monday, April 28, 2014

From Golden Ratio to golden arse

In mathematics,
two quantities are in the golden ratio φ
(phi, or 1.6180339887...)
if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum
to the larger of the two quantities.

Geometrically, the golden ratio represented as a line
divided into two segments, "a" and "b",
such that the entire line is to the longer "a" segment
as the "a" segment is to the shorter "b" segment.

Expressed algebraically,
for quantities a and b,
with a > b

Many artists and architects have proportioned
their works to approximate the golden ratio ...

especially in the form of the golden rectangle,
in which the ratio of the longer side
to the shorter side is the golden ratio ...

believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing.

In geometry, a golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral
whose growth factor is the golden ratio φ (phi).

That is, a golden spiral gets wider
(or further from its origin)
by a factor of φ for every quarter turn it makes.

Below is the figure of
an approximate and true Golden Spirals.

The green spiral is made from quarter-circles tangent
to the interior of each square,
while the red spiral is a Golden Spiral.

Overlapping portions appear in yellow.

The length of the side of one square
divided by that of the next smaller square
is the golden ratio φ (phi).

Now, what do you get
when you put 2 golden spirals together ? ...

A most aesthetically pleasing Golden Arse !

All very well, you say.
But what can you do with a Golden Arse ?

Ah, you must check out this link ==>

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