Saturday, July 9, 2016

Chess - Dancing Queen

Try these 4 chess puzzles ...
You'll be mesmerized by the White Queen dancing across the chessboard !

Puzzle 1 - White to move and win.

Puzzle 2 - White to move and win.

Puzzle 3 - White to move and win.

Puzzle 4 - White to move and win.

(Solutions: See Comment Section)

If you know other delightful dancing Queen puzzles, please let me know.

By the way, all my posts on chess can be found in this link:

Please visit my main page at

1 comment:

  1. Puzzle 1 - White to move and win:
    1 Qb4 Ka2
    2 Qc4 Ka3
    3 Qc5 etc ...
    The Q zigzags to f8; the rest is easy.

    Puzzle 2 - White to move and win:
    1 Nf8 Kh8
    2 Ne6 Qg8
    3 Qa1 Kh7
    4 Qb1 etc up to Qf6+ and Nf8

    Puzzle 3 - White to move and win:
    Q to c3, then d3, d4, e4, e5, f5, f6, g6, g7, h7, h8, and finally h1

    Puzzle 4 - White to move and win:
    1 Rd3 Kc8
    2 Rc3 Kb8
    3 Qc7 Ka8
    4 Qa5
    followed by
    5 Qb4
    6 Qa3
    7 Qb2
    8 Ra3 checkmate


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