Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Pope Franis - quote

I absolutely love this quite from Pope Francis !

"River do not drink their own water.
Trees do not eat their own fruit.
The sun does not shine on itself.

And flowers do not spread their fragrance
for themselves.

Living for others is a rule of nature.

No matter how difficult it is ...
Life is good when you are happy;

but much better when others are happy
because of you."

Above quote may not be by Pope Francis

Above image and quote have been circulated
in social media, Facebook, for example.

Versions of the quote have also been widely shared
online in Spanish,
with varying attributions.

Some posts claim Pope Francis said it,
others have no attribution.

Snopes.com can't find Pope Francis said it

( https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pope-francis-rivers-do-not-drink/ )
couldn't find any record of
Francis making this statement.

An early version of it appeared on the internet
well before Francis became pope in 2013.


A communications expert and amateur poet
who uses the pen name Gonzalinho da Costa
traced a similar statement to a 2009 post
on a website called
Meditation Relaxation Sans Stress.

It is archived in this link

There, the quote says:

"We know that trees do not eat their own fruits
cows do not drink their own milk
rivers dont drink their own water
Let us also learn to serve our sisters brothers
and all objects of nature
To secure our present and humanity's future"

The website linked the words to the Vedas,
ancient Hindu scriptures.

The name Prof Lallan Prasad appeared
under the words.

Snopes.com reached out to a
University of Delhi professor with that same name,
asking if he wrote the words or knows their origin.

No update yet.

A similar quote

A very similar quote appeared in the
2019 role playing game "Days Gone."

A character in the game, Rikki, states:

"Rivers do not drink their own water.
Trees do not eat their own fruit.
And clouds do not swallow their own rain.
What great ones have is always
for the benefit of others."

As of this writing

As of this writing,
Snopes.com hasn't found
the original source of the quote.

No evidence it was a statement made by
Pope Francis.

However, and as noted above,
what appears to be an original online version
of the quote was posted four years
before he became pope.

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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Enjoy the present

Palms read

At Madame Zora
    Know the future - $2

With a curvy buxom lady
    Enjoy the present - $33

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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Grandad saw the Titanic

My grandfather told me that he saw the Titanic,
and that from the beginning,
he warned all the people that the ship would sink.

But nobody listened to him.

He was a brave man.
He did not give up.

He warned them again and again ...
on several occasions ...
Until they kicked him out of the cinema.

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Friday, February 28, 2025

Dogs con woman

Dogs add weight to a weigh scale
to con woman for more walks  :-)

"I don't believe it !!
I'm gonna have to take the dogs for more walks !"

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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Breasts on the menu

In a restaurant

Woman: See anything you fancy on the menu, Joe ?
Joe: Yes, your yummy breasts !

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

In 2 weeks, I lost 14 days

Weight loss programs

In 2 weeks of weight loss exercises,
I lost 14 days !

I have been on a diet for 2 weeks.
And I have lost 14 days of happiness !

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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Peeping tom in a police lineup

Police to woman in a police lineup:

Ok, Mrs Crenshaw,
do you see your peeping tom in the lineup ?

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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Clock hands are a woman's legs

Clock hands are a woman's legs

I'm waiting for 9:15

Mid-night is ok.
Or wake up at the crack of dawn, 6am.

Hhmmm ... Better to adjust the time myself !

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Monday, February 3, 2025

Another year, another resolution

I made a New Year's resolution:
To drink more water.

I've only gotten as far as "drink more".

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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Returning diploma

Graduate to college bursar:

Instead of repaying my student loan,
I'm returning my diploma.
It didn't work.

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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Grandma looks after dog

"Gramma, is Roscoe your dog or grampa's dog ?"

"Well, I'm the one who
feeds him,
waters him,
and takes care of him."

"I suppose that makes him mine."

"Is that how you got grampa ?"

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Monday, January 13, 2025

Car driving down the wrong way

"Al !
I just heard on the news
there's a car going the wrong way on I-80.
Be careful !"

"One ?!
I seen at least a hundred !"

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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Escape from Alcatraz

An intereresting abseiling adventure !!!

in Alcatraz Canyon, Newnes Plateau,
    NSW, Australia

2025 January 5


Altracraz Prison

There is an Alcatraz Island
off the coast of San Francisco, California.

On this small island
was a maximum security prison.

It was closed in 1963.

Now, the prison is a major tourist attraction.

And nowadays, Alcatraz means the Alcatraz Prison.

A flim was made in 1979,
called "Escape from Alcatraz"
starring Clint Eastwood.

It was a story of 3 inmates
escaping from Alcatraz Prison.

The film was a success
and well-known to this day throughout the world.

Altracraz Canyon

Named by David Noble.

More on this canyon is in this link:

Devils Throat

Named by Michael Keats.


It refers to the waterfall in Alcatraz Canyon,
and the chamber where the water falls into.

At the bottom of the chamber is a letter box slot.
You crawl out of the slot
to get out of the chamber.

I called the chamber "Alcatraz Prison".
The letter box slot is where you escape from Alcatraz 😀

Our group in this trip

5 of us:
     John Graham - leader
     Amy Chi
     Elizabeth Zhu
     Paul Ma
     Sornkin Lam


I have created a short video of our adventure.
1 minute 30 seconds.

In this link:

Some images from the video

1)  Hi Clint, you had your fun.
     My turn to be a star 😀

2)  From a distance, we can see
     what we are getting ourselves into.
- Alcatraz Prison: Named by yours truly 😀

3)  Zooming in.

4)  Now, go and watch the short video
     on me abseiling into Alcatraz Prison.

This link:

5)  The 3 escapees from Alcatraz Prison:
     Amy, Sornkin, Elizabeth
- They crawled out through the letter box slot.

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Saturday, December 28, 2024

Shafts of light, Grand Canyon, Blue Mountains

Amazing wonderful shafts of light !!!
in Grand Canyon, Blue Mountains,
    NSW, Australia

2024 December 14

Time we were down in the canyon, in the creek:
2:30pm to 4:30pm


I had been to the bottom of Grand Canyon at night,
to see the glow-worms inside the canyon.
That was a fantastic trip.

This one, in daylight, is just as amazing !

It is also the first time
I'm inside the canyon in daylight.
And get to witness the magical light show.

But note:
You need abseiling gears to do our trip.

Also, there are sections that require a swim.
Hence you should wear a wetsuit
as water is cooold ... bbrrrr !!!

(There is a foot track through the canyon.
But it is above the canyon floor.

No abseil, no swim ... meant for normal hikers.

The downside:
You won't see the fantastic light show
from the foot track 😭)

Our group

7 of us:
     Lyndal Tegel - leader + all rope work
     Amy Chi
     Helen Heng
     John Graham
     Paul Ma
     Tracey Coates
     Vijay Kini

Abseil down into Grand Canyon

First thing is to abseil down into the canyon.

1)  Lyndal abseiling down.
- Watched by John

Photo by Amy Chi

2)  Abseiling down into Grand Canyon.
- Amy
Photo by John Graham

Shafts of light near abseiling area

3)  Group photo of the 7 of us:
- John, Lyndal, Amy, Vijay, Helen, Tracey, Paul
- Shafts of light behind us ... not waterfalls

Photo by John Graham

4)  Vijay in the limelight.
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
                       The rest are all shafts of light.

Photo by John Graham

5)  Amy's turn in the limelight.
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
                       The rest are all shafts of light.

Photo by John Graham

6)  Amy again.
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
                       The rest are all shafts of light.

Photo by John Graham

7)  Left to right: Helen, Tracey, Vijay
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
                       The rest are all shafts of light.

8)  The lights are sheer magic !
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.

9)  Left to right: Tracey, Helen
- White arrow: Only this one is a waterfall.
                       The rest are all shafts of light.

Shafts of light at another part of the canyon

10)  Lyndal under the lights.

11)  Beam us up, Scotty 😀
- Vijay, Tracey, Helen, Lyndal

Photo by John Graham

12)  Beam us up, Scotty 😀
- Vijay, Amy, Helen, Paul, Lyndal, Tracey

Photo by John Graham

Another shafts of light

13)  Shafts of light at another part of the canyon.
Photo by John Graham

14)  Same scene as previous pic.
- Lyndal, John, Tracey

15)  Same scene as previous pic.
- Lyndal, John, Tracey

16)  Same scene as previous pic.
- Tracey, Helen, Vijay, Paul

Photo by John Graham

Yet another shafts of light

17)  At another part of the Canyon.
- 2 in the front: Amy, Paul
- Lady in black at the back: Not our group

Photo by John Graham

18)  Same scene as previous pic.
- 2 in the front: Vijay, Tracey
- Lady in white at the back: Not our group

19)  Same scene as previous pic.
- Vijay watching ...
- Helen, Tracey ... at the back

20)  Same scene as previous pic.
       Fantastic shafts of light !
Photo by John Graham

21)  Same scene as previous pic.
- Tracey
- Lady in black up on the rock: Not our group
Photo by ???

Walk/swim downstream a bit more,
then another shafts of light

22)  We are meeting more bushwalkers now.
       They didn't abseil into the canyon;
       walked/swam in from where we'll exit the canyon.
- 3 with helmets: Tracey, Helen, Vijay
- Others (without helmet): Not our group

23)  Same scene as previous pic.
- Helen, Tracey, Vijay
Photo by John Graham

24)  Same scene as previous pic.
- Amy
Photo by John Graham

25)  Same scene as previous pic.
- Vijay in the limelight
- Paul, Tracey ... photographing Vijay

Photo by John Graham

26)  Same scene as previous pic.
- Tracey, Lyndal
Photo by ???

27)  Same scene as previous pic.
- Tracey, Lyndal
Photo by ???

More shafts of light

28)  These shafts of light never ends 😀

29)  Amy ... the star !
- Behind her is Lyndal.

Photo by John Graham


There are swimming sections inside the canyon.
You should wear a wetsuit.

There are cases where hikers without wetsuits
suffered hypothermia.

They had to be rescued by helicopters.

30)  One of the swimming sections.
- Clockwise from bottom:
       Helen, Vijay, Tracey, Lyndal, Amy

Photo by John Graham

31)  Another swimming section.
- Lyndal ... standing
- Amy... swimming

Photo by John Graham

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