Steve Jobs rings up Bill Gates from iCloud: "Hi Bill Gates, guess where I'm calling you from?"
Steve Jobs in iCloud to God about iHarp:
"When is the last time this device was upgraded?
It really needs to be more user friendly.
Who's in charge of innovation up here?
Is this available in other colours?"
God to Steve Jobs in iCloud:
"To be honest, Mr Jobs, the last time an Apple caused so much excitement around here involved Adam, Eve and a snake ..."
God in iCloud to Moses:
"Moses, meet Steve. He's gonna upgrade your tableds ..."
This is Part 1.
Part 2 comes out in a few months' time.
Part 3 a year later.
And then Part 4 and Part 5. Please visit my main page at
At normal screen viewing distance you should see the face of the great scientist Albert Einstein. If you are short sighted, take off your glasses. Alternatively, squint your eyes or walk backwards far enough from the screen, then you should be able to see Marilyn Monroe.
This Marilyn Einstein hybrid image was created by Dr Aude Oliva for the March 31st 2007 issue of New Scientist magazine.
We have reviewed your request for condoms and find you unsuitable to fuck - accordingly, we are returning your coins. Please visit my main page at
A recent survey in the United Kingdom asked the question: Are there too many foreigners in this country now? Please visit my main page at
Doctor: "Do you indulge in sex, miss?"
Girl: "Infrequently, doctor!"
Doctor: "Is that one word or two?" Please visit my main page at
The Giant's Causeway is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. It is located in County Antrim on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland, about 4.8 km northeast of the town of Bushmills. More details are in:'s_Causeway
Many thanks to Vivienne for sharing the following 2 photos. (To enlarge an image, click on it.)
Does any one know the name of the spider which weaves this unusual spider web?
(Picture taken in 2011-05 in the Sydney region of NSW, Australia - on the Great North Walk bush trail.)
Note that the web is dense at the centre, sparse at the middle rings, then dense again at the outer rings ... quite unusual.