To mom:
I'm hungry ...
I'm cold ...
I'm hot ...
Can I have ... ?
I want to watch ...
Where are you ?
Can you ask Dad ?
Can you help me ... ?
He hurt me ...
She hurt me ...
I want to go there ...
When are we ... ?
Why are we ... ?
Why can't we ... ?
Over the past few weeks,
I have received many funny images or jokes
and I have emailed them to friends and colleagues
who I thought shared the same sense of humour.
Unfortunately, I seem to have upset a few people
and received criticism for being sexist and shallow.
So, from now on,
I am only emailing content of general interest
to all persons of sensibility and good taste.
Content such as:
- natural beauty
- phenomena
- places of historical significance
- or general interest.
I am sure you will all agree the attached picture of
the Pont Neuf Bridge, Toulouse, France,
has great historical value
surrounded by phenomenal natural beauty.