Is it a retyrement home ?
But really, those foundations need a freshen up, they look a bit tyred.
So I don't know how long the house would last. Hope it would last for a good year :-)
Yet somehow this would probably be the one house to survive an earthquake.
And wonder whether they get changed to winter tyres when it starts snowing.
I had a shock the other day when I opened a binder and found a Huntsman Spider with her egg sac. Considering the shaking to the binder when I took it down from the bookshelf and plonked it down on the desk, yet the spider was so hell-bent on protecting her egg sac that she wouldn't budge and run away. Amazing !
Please help me to identify the 2 spiders in this page:
1) Found under a rock, on top of a pagoda-like rock formation on the plateau above Dicksonia Forest Ravine / Dingo Creek (at the 3-way corner of Blue Mountains National Park, Wollemi National Park, and Newnes State Forest), NSW, Australia ~~~~
Is it a Flat Rock Spider (scientific name: Hemicloea) ?
It may look like a moving GIF,
but it is actually just a still JPG.
By Jacques Ninio.
The grid features 12 black dots.
However, it’s nearly impossible to see them all at one time.
The reason has to do with our relatively poor peripheral vision.
Basically our brain attempts to account for this uncertain periphery by simply assuming the regular pattern of gray lines would extend out into the periphery.
Below are 4 faces from the above mentioned blog. Has anyone noticed them besides me?
1) Taken at Pagoda Lookout, a detour on the way to climb Mt Touwouwan ~~~ Actually it looks more like the Sphinx.
I have been climbing on the rocks. For example, I was on top of the rock pointed to by the red arrow ... see my trip report in the above mentioned blog
2) Taken on the return trip after climbing Mt Touwouwan ~~~ This one looks like the face of a frog.
3) On the bank of Cudgegong River ~~~ This face even has a tougue.
4) Also on the bank of Cudgegong River ~~~ A happy Buddha