Friday, November 3, 2023

Weatherman doesn't need to be correct

Dennis the Menace:
"I want a job where I don't have to right all the time."

Gina Gillotti:
"You want to be a weatherman?"

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Sunday, October 8, 2023

Women outpace men when jogging

One woman to another:
"It's great how we always manage to outpace all the guys when we go jogging !"

Personally ...
I rather run in front ... backward of course !

Although ...
I've always been behind the women's movement.

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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Bumbunga Lake, SA, Australia

Bumbunga Lake
Lockiel, South Australia, Australia

2023 mid September

1)  Red oval: Loch Ness Monster 🙂
No one can find Nessie in Scotland
because it is here in Bumbunga Lake 🙂

2)  Nessie is here in Bumbunga Lake.
That is why no one can find it in Scotland 🙂

3)  Bumbunga Lake.
Can be pink in the right season and salinity.
Water no more than knee deep.
If you don't wish to have muddy feet,
then photoshop yourself to Nessie's back.

4)  And so I photoshopped myself to top of Nessie 🙂
As well as photoshopped the pink colour 🙂

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Saturday, September 23, 2023

Australia enters the space race with a boomerang rocket

One Australian rocket scientist to another:

Yeah, it's a strange shape,
but I guarantee it'll come back !

Australia enters the space race.
With a boomerang rocket !

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Monday, September 18, 2023

Best selfie - ever !

Can you see the beautiful Snowy River (NSW, Australia) ?
Or notice a beanie being pinched ?

The best selfie ever !!! ... by Sunshine An.

From a snowshoeing trip to :
Mt Twynam
Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Australia

Trip report:

More pictures of Sunshine An:

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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A day in the life of Sunshine An

Sunshine An's day
Snowshoeing to Mt Twynam

Kosciuszko National Park
NSW, Australia

Trip report:

1)  Sunshine An,
the red hot sexy flying fox
hanging on a flying fox over Blue Cow Creek.

2)  An can kick high !

3)  Helen, An, Tiffany.
Crazy lovable bunch of people in this trip.
Not afraid of the freezing temperature !!!
- Red arrows, left to right:
      1 Little Twynam,  2 Mt Twynam
      Heading there soon.

4)  An, Ryan, Tiffany.
- Red arrow: Mt Twynam
                     Heading there soon.

Photographer: John Graham

5)  Arrive at Snowy River.
But can you see the beautiful river ?
Or notice Helen's beanie being pinched ?

Best selfie ever ... by Sunshine An

6)  About to cross Illawong Bridge over Snowy River.

Selfie by Sunshine An

7)  An,
the red hot sexy flying fox
hanging on the suspension cables of Illawong Bridge.

8)  Taking a rest at Twynam Creek.
- An playing with snow

9)  Still at Twynam Creek.
- An playing with ice crystals.

10)  Summit of Mt Twynam.
- An

Photographer: Sornkin Lam

11)  Summit of Mt Twynam.
- Ryan, An

Photographer: Sornkin Lam

12)  Summit of Mt Twynam.
- John, Ryan, An
Told you we have crazy lovable people in this trip !!!
Not afraid of the freezing temperature !!!

13)  Summit if Mt Twynam.
- Helen, An

14)  Summit of Mt Twynam.
- An, Helen

15)  Summit of Mt Twynam.
- An, John, Helen
Look at the grin on John’s face  :-)   :-)   :-)

16)  Summit of Mt Twynam.
- An, Paul, Helen
I’m lapping it up  :-)

Photographer: John Graham

17)  Summit of Mt Twynam.
- John, An, Paul
Must organize another kissing trip  :-)

Photographer: Sornkin Lam

18)  Summit of Mt Twynam.
- A snow angel making a snow angel

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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Dog driving a car

Is that a dog driving a car ?

It is not every day you see a dog driving a car !

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Monday, August 28, 2023

Mermaid ... She had cosmetic surgery

One dugong to another:
    "I knew her from high school ...
    She must have had cosmetic surgery !"

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Friday, August 18, 2023

Penrose Stairs and Escher's "Ascending and Descending"

Penrose stairs (or Penrose steps) is an impossible object created by Oscar Reutersvärd in 1937.  Later, independently discovered and made popular by Lionel Penrose and his son Roger Penrose.

It is a variation on the Penrose Triangle.
Refer to this link:

The "continuous staircase" was first presented in an article that the Penroses wrote in 1959, based on the Penrose Triangle published by Roger Penrose in the British Journal of Psychology in 1958.

M. C. Escher discovered the Penrose stairs in the following year and made his now famous lithograph Klimmen en dalen (Ascending and Descending) in March 1960.

Penrose and Escher were informed of each other's work that same year.

Escher developed the theme further in his print Waterval (Watefall), which appeared in 1961.
Refer to this link:

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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Good husband always listens

I don't know much about birds
but I can easily identify the husband in these pictures.

Good husband always listens.

Today I had some words with my wife
and she had some paragraphs with me.

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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Being a senior citizen really sucks !

She is single.
She lives right across the street.
I can see her place from my patio.

I watched as she got home from work this evening.

I was surprised when she walked across the street,
up my driveway,
and knocked on the door.

I rushed to open it.

She looked at me and said,
"I just got home, and I have this strong urge to have
     a good time,
     get drunk,
     and make love tonight !
Are you doing anything tonight ?"

I quickly replied,
"Nope, I'm free !"

She said, "Great ! ... Could you watch my dog ?"

Being a senior citizen really sucks !
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Saturday, July 8, 2023

Spock on Relativity

Spock of Star Trek
can explain Relativity better than Einstein !

Roses are red,
Roses are blue,
depending on the velocity relativity to you.


"Roses Are Red"
is the name of a love poem and children's rhyme
with Roud Folk Song Index number 19798.

It has become a cliché for Valentine's Day.

And has spawned
multiple humorous and parodic variants.

A modern standard version is:

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet.
And so are you.

Personally, I like this satirical version:

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Onions stink.
And so do you.

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Monday, July 3, 2023

Escheresque 3-D chess

Escheresque 3-D chess !

Escher would be proud of this chessboard.

How the illusion is created:

Artist & photo credit: Elber Gershon

Another example on the same theme is a terrace in this link:

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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Penrose Triangle

Penrose Triangle
Also known as the Impossible Triangle

It is an optical illusion of an illogical triangle.
Can be drawn on paper.
But cannot exist as a proper solid object.

First created by Swedish artist Oscar Reutersvärd in 1934, and independently devised and popularized in the 1950s by psychiatrist Lionel Penrose and his son, prominent Nobel Prize-winning mathematician Sir Roger Penrose.

Roger Penrose described it as "impossibility in its purest form".

It was featured prominently in the works of Dutch artist M C Escher (1898-1972), whose earlier depictions of impossible objects partly inspired the Penrose Triangle.

Some of the Escheresque drawings / objects are in this link:

1)  Penrose Triangle, an illusion only, not possible as a 3-D object.

2)  How to create an illusion of Penrose Triangle
Source: Wikipedia

3)  Penrose Triangle sulpture, East Perth, WA, Australia
Source: Wikipedia

4)  Penrose Triangle sculpture, Gotschuchen, Austria
Source: Wikipedia

5)  Penrose Triangle

6)  Penrose Triangle
Source: Wikipedia

7)  Penrose Triangle

8)  Penrose Triangle

9)  Penrose Triangle

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