What is your highest Solitaire score
- in Vegas Cumulative scoring?
- in Standard Timed scoring?
(1) Vegas Cumulative scoring:
- One card draw
- Once through the deck only
- Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System
On 2012-12-05, I achieved 13,466 points.
(2) Standard Timed scoring:
- One card draw
- Once through the deck only
- Microsoft Windows XP Operating System
On 2013-10-18, I achieved 7,410 points.
Post Script: 2017-03-11
I just turn on the old dusty computer,
prepare to decommission the old girl ...
can't resist having another go ...
and break my previous record with 7,560 points !!!
(Same setting as above ... Standard Timed scoring:
- One card draw
- Once through the deck only
- Microsoft Windows XP Operating System)
I've been playing Vegas Cumulative Scoring 3-card for a few years and just recently passed $250,000. I took a photo of the score, don't see where to post it.