Unusual / funny chess puzzles and Sam Loyd
Here is an interesting chess problem:
How would you play if you are White ?
(Hint: At end of the story on Sam Loyd's chess puzzles ... scroll forward.)
Puzzle #1 (White to play):

The above reminds me of the following set of chess puzzles by Sam Loyd, the great American puzzlist of the 19th century. He created a story around it:
In 1713, Charles XII of Sweden was in a campaign against the Turks.
One day, in between the battles, he played a chess game in the field against one of his generals. The following position was reached and Charles announced mate in 3.
Puzzle #2 (White to play):

Just when he was about to make his move, a stray bullet took the White Knight off the board. Charles was unconcerned, and said that was all right, he still had a mate in 4 without the Knight.
Puzzle #3 (White to play):

He was just about to make his move when another bullet shot off the White Pawn on the Rook file. Charles studied the position and said not to worry, he found a mate in 5.
Puzzle #4 (White to play):

Then the general remarked, "What a pity, Your Majesty, the first bullet didn't take the Rook off the board, rather than the Knight."
Charles replied with a smile, "Then I just have to declare mate in 6."
Puzzle #5 (White to play):

(Solutions: See Comment Section)
Back to Puzzle #1 ...
Hint to solve it: Use Sam Loyd's battle field analogy.
If a bullet had shot off White's Queen, White can declare mate in 4.
And if another bullet had shot off White's Bishop, White can declare mate in 2.
My other posts on chess can be found in this link:
ReplyDeletePuzzle #1:
Leave this to you :-)
Hint: See above (at end of the story on Sam Loyd's chess puzzles)
Puzzle #2:
1. Rxg3 Bxg3
2. Nf3 B any
3. g4 checkmate
1. .... Bxd1
2. Rh3 Bh4
3. g4 checkmate
Puzzle #3:
1. hxg3 Bb6
2. Rg4 Bd8
3. Rh4+ Bxh4
4. g4 checkmate
Puzzle #4:
1. Rb7 Bc5
2. Rb1 Be7
3. Rh1+ Bh4
4. Rh2 gxh2
5. g4 checkmate
1. .... Bg1
2. Rb1 Bh2
3. Ra1 Kh4
4. Kg6 any
5. Ra4 checkmate
Puzzle #5:
1. Nf3 Be1
2. Nxe1 Kh4
3. h3 Kh5
4. Nd3 Kh4
5. Nf4 h5
6. Ng6 checkmate