Monday, July 24, 2017

Earth is the only planet with wine

Photographed in 2017-06
A sign in Pan y Mermelada, a restaurant/cafe

"Save the Earth   It is the only planet with wine"

By the way, Pan y Mermelada is a nice restaurant.
Food is tasty ... well worth visiting !

Address: Calle Cárcer, 2, 29008 Málaga, Spain
(Corner of Calle Cárcer & Calle Beatas)

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Two types of people with petrol

There are 2 types of people in this world:
    A:  "OMG, I need to fill up!"
    B:  "I got this."

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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Almost there

What to say when a hiker asks,
"How much farther to the top?"

"You are almost there."
"You are almost there."
"You are almost there."
"You are almost there."

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Sunday, July 9, 2017

Exit in Chinese

For those who know Chinese ...
I photographed this funny exit sign in Málaga Cathedral, Málaga, Spain in 2017 June.

Instead of blaming the clueless Spanish sign maker,
perhaps the whip should be applied to Google.

Do a Google translate of the Spanish word "Salida" into Chinese, and you get 產量.
The Spanish sign maker was merely following the maxim "In Google We Trust" ...
not appropriate when inside a cathedral  :-)

(產量 means something along the line of: Production output / yield ... not "Exit")

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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

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